Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My relationship status

1. If one person asks me why am I still single!
2. I am not less of a person because I am single and you are not better because you are married
3. My relationship status has been the same my entire life........I will just leave it at that
4. People assume it is just easy to change my relationship status, like I can flip a switch
5. One thing I like about being single, I don't have to coordinate my schedule with anyone, I mean if I want to go to movies I go when I want to
6. Some people assume because I am single and most of the time happy I don't desire a relationship, not the case. 
7. Revealing my relationship status to my mother will only happen if it looks like we are headed toward marriage, my nerves can't take her knowing before them
8. I was going to post a quote on relationships, but most of them are stupid
9. This topic was sparked by a comment by one of my coworkers.....reason I don't talk about personal stuff at work often
10. Yes I want a relationship, but no I don't want to take just anybody
11. Tried online dating to change my relationship status #epicfail
12. Don't think I will ever post relationship status on Facebook.......nope, not gone do it
13. Why do people treat being single as if it is a bad thing? 
14. Whatever relationship status you are in, be happy, be you, cause if you are not what is the point?
15. I think I am going to start telling people "it's complicated" when they as me are you seeing someone........maybe they will leave me alone
16. If you can't accept my flip flops you can't change my relationship status
17. Surprised I even made this a topic
18. I am open to questions about why I have been forever single, just not stupid questions. Think before you ask
19. I often wonder when I tell people why they find it fascinating, I am not a unicorn
20. Maybe one day my relationship status will change, but until that day I will live life being me and enjoy each moment of it
21. First step to changing my relationship status is going on a date, well maybe talking to strangers, yeah I don't do that
22. Don't assume by what I have said in this post about where I am at in this, #thatsall

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