Wednesday, April 16, 2014


1. I have some of the best friends in the world
2. I love my friends who accept me for who I am, but challenge me to grow
3. Friends don't let friends drive drunk (or text while drinking........I have so stop doing this)
4. You say he's just a friend.....oh baby you!!!!! (Yes I just sang this at my cubicle)
5. I can count my true friends on one hand
6. Sometimes it is hard when you are going through your own personal pain while celebrating the joys of your friends, not jealousy, but just letting them enjoy their time without burdening them with your own issues 
7. Some friends I don't talk to often, but when we do, love it
8. Friends who love ratchet music are friends who stay together
9. Friends can argue and fight, but you know in the end you have each other's back
10. You have that one friend that when they talk you just shake your head? Yeah, me either
11. Most of my friends no longer live in the same city, that just means I need to travel more
12. Text message convos between some friends are some of the most therapeutic convos, the event of my death, my true friends will delete the evidence of some of the tomfoolery we discuss
13. People change, friends change, but it is beautiful when you change and grow together
14. Having a variety of friends can be interesting and fun.......especially when you have them all in the same room
15. One friend I miss dearly........things were never the same
16. There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate ~Linda Grayson

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