Saturday, August 31, 2013

Tastes good too!!

1. Productive Saturday
2. Saw The Butler last night
3. Could I have done it?
4. I miss you!!
5. I wonder will my hair get longer
6. Don't sleep on Juicy J
7. Drinking a lot of water this morning
8. I get bored.....I bake, not good (see below)
9. Will I ever go on a date?
10. Purples toes I like
11. Working on Labor Day
12. My nose hurts
13. Cartoons suck these days
14. I need to change my way of thinking
15. Must stop eating out so much
16. You can do it
17. Praying for a peaceful night
18. I get why you are the way you are
19. Time flies
20. This year is almost over
21. What shall I do for the holidays?
22. You are special
23. I have skills
24. Thinks everyone needs that one person in their life that will put them in check
25. Looking for love in all the wrong places
26. The hypocrisy
27. Thuggish Ruggish Bone
28. Need to start running again
29. Tomorrow is September!
30. The things you watch when you don't have cable
31. Still blessed!!!

Friday, August 30, 2013

It's Friday!!!!!!

1. Juicy J has been on repeat all week
2. Eden body works all natural coconut Shea curl defining creme is a gift from God!
3. I love my hair!
4. I will go see The Butler!!!
5. No holiday for me this weekend :-/
6. I need a roadtrip soon.....
7. When the only difference is your color....
8. Give someone a hug today
9. Not as pissed
10. I hate the look when I tell people.....maybe I should just lie
11. Sometimes you just have to show basic people they are basic
12. I still say Go Dores!!!
13. Can you speak another language?
14. Don't think I should scream out yeah hoe at my desk.....
15. I really should be productive today....not working out well
16. Think I will just post random thoughts on Facebook on Fridays
17. There is a method to my madness
18. Seeing these super adorable pics of people's babies makes me want to have a child.....first step go on a date (one step at a time)
19. A lot of people don't even realize they have issues....that is scary
20. Lotus Flower Bomb!!!!!!! (In my Miguel voice)
21. Pizza is a trick of the enemy!!!!! (Not really my willpower to say no to it is, but not willing to admit that yet)
22. Orange is the New Black......when does season 2 go up?? I really need to know Crazy Eye's back story
23. I am not ratchet, but ratchet music does have a strange effect on me
24. God answers prayers
25. Lunch with my team today.....I really don't want to go
26. Can you swim?
27. Went to Frugal McDugal's last night......AMAZING!!!!!!
28. If I heard "turn down for what?" one mo time!!!!!
29. Juicy J's scholarship you technically don't have to twerk for......but I am too old :-(
30. Whatever happened to the group. Shai???? And if I ever fall in love.........

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Love this shirt!

1. Each day gets better
2. I think you know
3. Crying is not easy
4. The more that I think about it
5. A text, a phone call, a card
6. Interesting convo
7. Mind or gender?
8. What shall I cook today?
9. I hate people who suck at their job
10. Trying something new
11. I find it funny
12. Should you still be allowed too?
13. We all have issues
14. Why is this line long?
15. I'm excited about my beverages
16. You will not get to me
17. Merry Christmas!
18. Assumptions people make
19. Sleepy
20. I can't do this alone
21. Love her I do!
22. Will go to concert!
23. Don't kill my vibe!
24. Will be productive tomorrow
25. I need to think outside the box
26. Sometimes I don't like being different
27. I need to wash my car
28. Wishes one person understood
29. Anchor Down!!!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Rolls eyes

1. Free Starbucks started my day
2. I wore white today.....and it stayed white
3. Stupid people
4. This generation is different
5. Pay me
6. Tonight I will cheat
7. You still have not called me
8. Why do I expect so much from you?
9. Who ya wit? VU!
10. Goodie Mob's newest....disappointed
11. What happened to you?
12. Great quote
13. Ready to get home
14. I hate traffic
15. Typing my thoughts as I wait for my pizza
16. It has been 50 years
17. I hate bras
18. Will try again next weekend
19. This weekend will be rough
20. Foot still hurts
21. No way you can understand
22. What if I told you?
23. I believe it
24. Love
25. Do you have to have a side hustle?
26. Yes I love you
26. If you knew my story
27. Must press on
28. Chicken!!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Almost forgot

1. Birthday was good yesterday
2. It's late
3. Rough day
4. You didn't even call to wish me happy birthday
5. That's racist!!!!!
6. I wish I could tell you
7. Tonight's dinner was queso, chips, and a piƱa colda
8. Love Criminal Minds
9. Why do I have to work harder?
10. That's your sister!
11. Still can't believe what you did
12. Why can't you be single?
13. I try to do what is right
14. I am mad I left it at work
15. Busy week ahead
16. I can't believe it is not butter
17. I shot the sheriff!! But I did not shoot the deputy.....
18. Volunteering was fun
19. Mental illness is real
20. I'm in love with a crackhead ~B. Cole
21. I hope it comes tomorrow
22. Whoa!!
23. I try to do good
24. Shemar Moore is beautiful
25. I am disappointed but ok
26. Will not let you get to me
27. Cheese!!!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

It's My Birthday!!!!!

1. Yes I am working today
2. We all could have made a wrong turn going to church ~Poussey
3. My coworkers are talking sexual positions they do with their husbands.....TMI!!
4. What is birthday sex? I mean if you do extra stuff just do that on random days, be spontaneous and creative everyday (coming from.....let me stop)
5. I can say it now......I am 33 today, can I still say I am in my early 30s?
6. Do I love you enough to let you go?
7. I was probably 80% successful in my social media detox
8. What I want most for my birthday.....
9. Dr. Oz says (sounding like my mother) sex only burns 21 calories.....
10. For anyone to know, they have to ask and who is asking determines the answer. ~unknown
11. Back on social media.....facebook will be used less, follow me on twitter @musicstyle
12. They decorated my cubicle
13. Head hurts
14. PMW(all I really need) ~ ASAP Rocky
15. Tried out new hair them!
16. My cubicle neighbor rocks!
17. First time in a while not doing anything special for my birthday!!!
18. I won last month's contest so I get Maggie Moo's today!
19. Miley comment
20. Justin Timberlake! Memphis Represent!
21. I missed my social media peeps (I have a hard time saying family.....I don't know all of you like that)
22. Still haven't seen The Butler
23. Don't push me......
24. PMW(all I really need) ~ ASAP Rocky
25. Did you just really snort??
26. It's my Birthday!!!! Wooo!!!! Hooo!!!!

Sunday, August 25, 2013


1. Church was good
2. One more day
3. I just want you to care
4. Skin has to get better
5. I actually wore white today
6. You make me smile 
7. I can do it
8. I wonder if you remember
9. When I look in the mirror 
10. I ate so bad today 
11. I get it
12. Change is hard for me
13. Ask the right questions
14. Maybe I need to do a detox
15. Good news
16. Must focus tomorrow
17. Didn't have a mimosa today
18. Yes I can!
19. I need to get out the bed
20. Think I am going to cancel it
21. Do you see me?
22. I love music
23. I wish him well
24. For real?
25. Seriously?

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Busy Morning

1. Early morning meetings
2. Some people just like to hear themselves talk
3. Jesus!!!
4. Foolishness!!
5. Seriously
6. Chicken noodle soup
7. I need to do my toes
8. Crackhead!!
9. I need to workout
10. No way!
11. Evil people need to just stop
12. Pizza and beer
13. I wonder if you forgot
14. What I want most for my birthday
15. Cultural differences
16. Greatest love of all
17. We all are different
18. Finger hurts
19. I try to behave 
20. Money power respect
21. No matter how much I try
22. I hope mail has arrived
23. Patience my child
24. Tomorrow will be interesting 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Ready to go!

1. Really nose???
2. So ready for the weekend
3. I can never make him love me.....
4. Headache
5. Ready to be in chill mode
6. Birthday weekend!
7. Detox is over on Monday!
8. Your smell
9. Wonder if you know how blessed you are
10. No way!!!!
11. Yes way!!!!
12. I like my randomness 
13. Hates when my desk is a mess
14. Shall I delete my tumblr page?
15. Easier doing thoughts in the morning
16. Need to get my ticket
17. You suck at your job
18. Got good news today
19. Tape is fun to play with
20. Will I go see The Butler this weekend?
21. Got to keep it fun
22. Ice cream on Monday!
23. 4 hour work days are nice 

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Better days

1. Today was better
2. Interesting turn of events
3. My skin is trippin
4. Few more days of detox
5. Had a very productive day
6. I love when I get things done
7. You are amazing
8. She irritates me
9. What shall do tonight
10. Love the white dress 
11. You think too highly of yourself 
12. The Read was quite enjoyable tody
13. Back at it this weekend
14. I wonder if you will remember
15. Wonder if my neighbors are nice?
16. Will not have pizza for dinner
17. I need more cushion
18. I get it now
19. No way you don't realize how much you suck at your job
20. Can't take it personal
21. Ice cream!!!
22. Music makes me smile

Wednesday, August 21, 2013


1. This is why I hate going to doctor
2. Not having a great day
3. Losing excitement about my birthday
4. I hate not knowing
5. Why ask for a phone number if you don't call if something is wrong
6. I hate when people do that
7. Seriously? You mess up and I have to wait
8. Breathe Ursula!!
9. I want you to be here 
10. You have no clue
11. They need to hurry up
12. Not fair 
13. I have the best mother in the world
14. Really don't want to work tonight
15. Stupid people irritate me
16. Can't believe what just happened
17. I just want an answer 
18. I miss your smell
19. Why do I want what I can't have
20. Pimp just walked by
21. I had fun last night

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Making it

1. Overwhelmed
2. Could we ever be together?
3. I wonder if you know
4. Not liking this cd
5. I work too hard
6. I wonder what happened
7. Less than a week to my birthday
8. I miss you
9. The fantasies I create
10. Will not cry
11. Lyrics.....
12. Frank Ocean's vers on Oldie though....
13. Still smiling
14. Got to focus
15. Why do people not understand?
16. The youth of tomorrow
17. Love her I do
18. Trying to stay disciplined
19. Dinner with some of my favorite people tonight
20. You make me laugh

Monday, August 19, 2013

Let's make this week great!!!

1. Monday....again
2. I survived yesterday
3. I wonder if Drake knows how sensitive he sounds
4. My cubicle neighbor is the best!
5. Do you really dislike me that much?
6. I just want you to realize how much I care about you
7. I really think I broke a bone in my foot
8.  My mother sent me an email
9. You are funny
10. If one more person says you don't act like you are from Memphis
11. Words with Friends is trippin
12. My stomach hurts
13. I know I can sing
14. One week to my birthday!!
15. Detox is almost over
16. God is still in control
17. My to do list for this week is crazy
18.  No weapon....
19. She is awesome!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013


1. Not in best of moods
2. I feel awful
3. I hate when people are not mindful of your time
4. Are you serious?
5. Must push through.....
6. People with entitlement issues
7. It is hot!
8. God makes a way
9. I just want you back in the same city
10. Hopefully I will get an answer this week
11. I know I can do it
12. One more week of detox
13. Too many passwords to remember 
14. Computers do go down
15. Mosquitos are irritating
16. I miss you
17. I can't keep getting sick
18. I need this change

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mimosas are my weakness....

1. You know.....
2. Experimenting with mimosas this morning....see below
3. I just want to talk to you honestly without fear 
4. Jesus will work it out!
5. Mimosa, or Benadryl? OR......mimosas AND Benadryl???? ~text I sent my best friend this morning
6. Unconditional love is amazing
7. Came very close to telling my mother that I am a tattoo loving dyke this week.....she made me that mad
8. Detox is still a process, almost a week left
9. Praying for God's will is not always easy
10. Some people's ignorance really scares me
11. Days like this I wish I had cable
12. Adapting to change
13. Infomercials are irritating
14. Might do it
15. Might have made a mistake.....
16. Your hugs are missed
17. Today will be a good day!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Rough few days

1. That picture made me go whoa! (I looked a lot like my great aunt as a child)
2. Yesterday's random thoughts did not go through to early this morning
3. This woman has coach and goach......yes you read that right 
4. Lunch with!!
5. Your answer sounds promising
6. You can't be serious
7. I deserve an and one ~2 Chainz
8. Being a good parent is hard
9. Chicken!!!
10. Did you do that because of me?
11. You are funny
12 . Detox is almost done
13. My foot hurts
14. Stupid people!!!
15. Love you!
16. Long weekend ahead.....

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Still safe!

1. Sleepy
2. My mother.....
3. Truly just drove through the hood
4. Loves family
5. Benadryl is your friend
6. Prayer changes things
7. What is your motivation?
8. I need and wang you in my life
9. Sometimes the look of despair
10. Your touch...,,your smell
11. You do you boo
12. Nervous when I saw that email
13. This door keeps opening.....
14. Will not fall asleep
15. Yes you got to me

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Too funny!!!

1. Road trip!!
2. Glad I watched Liquor & Cereal
3. Buying new tires.....JESUS!!!
4. Starting a new book
5. You will always make me smile
6. Accountability is wonderful even when it hurts
7. Why did I straighten my hair?
8. Will smile in spite of
9. Thankful for honest people
10. Dude is sleep
11. Should have eaten before I came here
12. Can you love two people?
13. My birthday is getting closer...
14. It pains me to see you hurt

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Too much work, too little time

1. Your voice
2. Your text
3. K. Michelle's new it
4. Why do we think so much a lifetime
5. What if I was flirting?
6. Prepping for the rest of this week
7. Love her I do
8. I wonder of bugs know they are about to die before you squish them
9. Some people's over inflated views of themselves
10. Straight or curly?
11. Making the change for the better
12. I miss your smell
13. Tattoo might be seen this week....

Monday, August 12, 2013

This pic has me Rollin!!!

1. Death is never easy
2. How do I keep messing up?
3. 2 more weeks of detox....I have only slipped up a few times
4. I should find out this week
5. I need to learn how to scale down
6. The beginning of a new week!
7. It is your birthday!!!
8. My faith waivers, but I still believe there is a God and he is awesome
9. Learn to question.....
10. Hopes everything works out
11. Might be in Atlanta for my birthday....wish it wasn't like this
12. Cried a lot yesterday

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Couldn't decide on pic....

1. She is gone
2. Church was on point today
3. You don't know my story
4. I love Meet the Press
5. Is it too early for beer?
6. It will work out
7. Yes u made dessert below 
8. Will you understand?
9. Your birthday is tomorrow
10. I can only be me......but you don't love me
11. White male privilege.......UOENO 

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Just sitting here is helping

1. Will behave today
2. I realize what I must do.....just don't know if I can do it
3. Some people just make you smile
4. I wonder what movies I will watch today
5. It is hot in here
6. Jesus!!!
7. If you only knew all of my thoughts
8. If people knew how much it takes for me to smile
9. Yassssss!!!!!!!!
10. I am more than my hair 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Grind time!

1. Maybe I will tell one day
2. Learning a lot during detox
3. Still no clue what I want to do for my birthday
4. Do you have a clue?
5. Maggie Moos!!!!!
6. This game is addicting
7. Maybe it is not a struggle....
8. What if you were right
9. Random music Friday is really good today

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Photo apps are fun :-)

1. Straightened my hair.....the curls are already gone.
2.  Funny both of you have the same last name.....
3. I truly love you and miss you
4.  Ever wonder why it rains?
5. Not feeling BeyoncƩ's new hair
6. There is always a way of escape
7. Will you notice?
8. The hair is long.......

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

My new drink of choice

1. Blogging more since on social media detox
2. That one sentence made me look at things differently
3. God is in control
4. I truly love you enough to let you go
5. Unexpected blessing last night! Got to be thankful for the small things
6. Will not go back down that road
7. The ignorance of some people

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Only 20 days to go.....

1. The narrow-mindedness of people really gets to me (see my post from last night)
2. Becoming Anxious
3. Sometimes defending what is right is not easy
4. If God is love why do you so much hate in his name?
5.  What if I don't get it?
6. Not as sick as yesterday!!!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Today is a sick day :-(

1. My random thoughts on my birthday will be brutally honest
2. I am working too much
3. Tears....
4. I did remember what yesterday was
5. I need to pay my rent

Sunday, August 4, 2013

This was on the floor.....eewwwwww!!

1. Today is better
2. People are interesting
3. This is bad acting
4. I eventually have to do my hair 

Saturday, August 3, 2013

I really want that hair color

1. Why did I do that?
2. Today begins my new work schedule
3. Don't think I will ever have the courage to ask you

Friday, August 2, 2013

Making it......

1. I really don't want to call racism, but.....
2. I get it now, I just was a time filler for you

Thursday, August 1, 2013