Friday, June 24, 2016


1. The all white team of writers for OITNB has me feeling some type of way....
2. Waking up at 2 in the morning, it is going to be a long day
3. I don't think you ever liked me, just someone to keep you entertained
4. Seriously where did all these Cleveland Cavalier fans come from? 
5. Have we ever heard Malia or Sasha speak?
6. It's Friday!!! Woo Hoo!
7. So what does this mean for the European Union?
8. I love my family...several from a distance
9. Random memory of part of the band playing horse when someone walked into the room....she was before her time
10. You should really give dick a try ~a friend (the candidness of some of my text messages)
11. Need to do some more filtering of my Facebook lists
12. I wonder if the rain has cooled things off?
13. Finger waves need to make a comeback 
14. Think people who drive below the speed limit should have their license suspended
15. A friend talked some sense in to new car 😞
16. If you ask, I promise I will tell you 
17. Janitor to the CEO, treat everyone the same 
18. Not only can I sing, but I also have mad rap skills son!
19. When is the sequel to ATL coming out?
20. The jaguar commercials.....I hate when she says jag-u-ar, is that how it is  supposed to be pronounced?
21. Should I do another video random thoughts?
22. Let's remember the man who wrote that all men were created equal still owned slaves
23. Real Gs move in silence (not like lasagna) all I post you don't even know half of me
24. I guess I need to buy a lottery ticket since I think they read my random thoughts and fixed the machine for tonight #poppinbarrels

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