Friday, May 24, 2013

PJ Morton Sunday!!!!!

1. Excited about the weekend!!
2. Budget still looks good
3. Why do I like you?
4. Guilty pleasure today :-)
5. Just fit into a pair of jeans that were a size smaller than I usually wear!! 
6. But you are married....
7. Wonder if I will see you Sunday??
8. Sometimes you have to just walk alone
9. Love the blogger mobile app! 
10. My office is a ghost town....
11. I miss my cubicle neighbor :-(
12. Will I do 3 miles tomorrow????
13. God is in control!!!!
14. Excited about lunch today?
15. Will I have my first day before I turn 35?
16. Think I might back off on the meat....
17. I just wanted you to understand!
18. This macaroon coffee is my fav!!
19. I survived a Thursday night without Scandal
20. Marvin Sapp at church Sunday.....will attend the earliest service
21. I am really geeked about seeing PJ Morton!!!
22. Must be productive despite it being a Friday
23. The Read today!!!!
24. Mission accomplished this morning ;-)

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