Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Still in bed

1. Sick day....greasy food no longer likes me
2. Convos with Starling are always interesting
3. My God is amazing!
4. You still make me smile even when you make me mad
5. Yeah...Donald Trump must be stopped
6. Are you ready for blonde?
7. I figure at this rate you might not get it
8. Why is it that people only see and hear what they want to hear?
9. Where are they now? The rest of the group of Immature?
10. Luke Cage on Netflix is a beautiful man
11. Brunch makes me so happy
12. Why can't kale taste like bacon?
13. There is no turning back
14. I like big butts and I cannot lie!
15. Snow? Really dude?
16. Who wants to pay off my student loans?
17. Nap time!!!
18. Jack Daniels....I need some
19. My friend called me an alcoholic....lies!!!
20. Alicia Keys, when did she lose her ability to sing? At one point she was good
21. Will I get married? Date? Have children?
22. When you are now doing meet & greets at Walmart....your music career might be winding down
23. Vandy BSA pic! #epic
24. Love not hate....

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