Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Seriously thinking about it

1. Remain humble, but still snatch wigs ~Unknown
2. This cussing....yeah I know need to stop, but sometimes it is the only emphasis I got 
3. There are more people that will be added to the don't want to be on that list
4. I did not have red wine last night, I will not have it tonight, and going to try my best not to have it tomorrow.....
5. Excited to see you!!!
6. What is going to happen on this season of OITNB??? 
7. "for church girls who refuse to give up the 'I did everything right' narrative when getting out their own way, healing and flourishing are enuf" ~Candice Benbow (when Eloise posted so many thoughts from this statement....)
8. Rewatching CSI Miami.....there was some very bad acting on that show
9. I wish you know how much I loved you! 
10. Still pissed! I have to wait till October!!!!
11. Jack Daniels's distillery tour for my birthday....I think
12. Sometimes all you can do is be silent
13. Drinking 32 ounces of water before you make it to work....yeah the restroom will be my friend
14. I am just sitting in my car, knowing I have to go in to work, but my body is not moving. I do love my job, but having a lot of "moments" lately
15. What would your dream car be?
16. I wish people understood how hard it is sometimes....stop telling me it is easier
17. I believe the Internet has made people stupid, wel lazy
18. What are some major keys in your life?

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