Sunday, December 13, 2015


1. Chi-Raq was a decent movie
2. I think Michael Rappaport should have played the priest
3. Do you think a sex strike would work to broker peace?
4. Jennifer Hudson's acting was better in Dreamgirls
5. Classic Spike in this movie, the message...the delivery
6. It was based on the Greek comedy Lysistrata, a Greek comedy
7. I love me some Samuel L. Jackson
8. Now that the movie is hopefully starting a conversation, what's next?
9. No peace, no pussy ~chant from movie
10. What was going on with Felicia Pearson's hair? I mean it had cornrows with straight bangs
11. The brass bed though....a little too much
12. The male elders in the community.... Where they being mentors to the young ones? Why were they more worried about sex? What could be changed?
13. See the movie, formulate your own thoughts, laugh, cry, think, act, see the movie. 

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