2. Cheryl Ann Jones has some issues.....
3. What if I told you I was....
4. I have a very low tolerance for stupid people
5. I was given permission to pop off! Think I will!
6. Do you think homophobia is more prevelant in the black church compared to other churches?
7. Drunk texting is a real!
8. 100 ounce mimosa bomb.....is it bad that I had a dream about it last night?
9. Think my tattoo design and placement is decided
10. Napa Valley spring 2017.....
11. Finishing your first 52 ounce bubba before 10am.....will I have 3 today?
12. When people recognize your sneeze from across the building, oops!
13. Maybe I should go into hiding.....when everything is irritating you it can't be good
14. Charlie Sheen.....didn't watch interview....no comment
15. My president is black and my lambo is blue
16. When was the last time you chose to eat at Chili's? I mean you wanted to go out to eat and said hmmm I think I will go to Chili's?
17. I can sing! My first EP is coming out Spring 2016 entitled...."Butter, Bacon, and Burboun; keys to a better life"
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