Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Crisis of faith

1. How would you define being a Christian?
2. This Starbucks cup mess.....don't bring my blessed salted caramel white chocolate mocha in your foolishness!!
3. If your faith has you hating more than you are loving your fellow man, then you need to do a self evaluation
4. When you believe God for something and it is not happening in your timing.....not easy
5. Irritates me when people say I am Christian because I go to church every Sunday.....really? 
6. I really need to be more intentional about studying in regards to my faith, studying period has never been one of my strong points
7. Praise and worship is not just a song and a dance.....why do we equate it to that? 
8. Standing strong in your beliefs doesn't mean putting someone else down for theirs
9. My faith is evolving and growing, with most things being stagnant is not good
10. Think we often focus on church and not Christ.....
11. A lot on my mind these days, faith, church, Christ, love.....just my thoughts

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