Monday, July 18, 2016

My nose hurts

1. So both cop killers were ex military.
2. My hair is coming back to normal so I might not get rid of the blonde
3. I miss my friends, why can't we live in the same city? 
4. Yesterday, was rough, real rough
5. Be nice, be useful, bring wine
6. So about this weekend....why I can't with some people
7. Game of Thrones then Power
8. Are you still shopping black? The flows of social media and social justice outage, there has to be a balance.
9. If you could describe me in one word what would that be?
10. You can't change the past
11. Do you think Frank Ocean will let me down again?
12. So want to go to Five Daughters right  now 😁😁😁
13. Think I will be a tourist in my city for my birthday, still need to decide when I am going to Jack Daniel's distillery
14. If you could retire one word in the English dictionary what would it be?
15. When your friends try to encourage you when you say that you need to stop drinking, then they say fuck it just drink, I love my friends
16. Meal prepped this week, I have to do better
17. I don't like nuts 
18. So Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift 🐸☕️

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