Monday, March 17, 2014

Can't believe it has been a year

1. True Detective, WHOA!
2. Netflix has one of my favorite movies now, #score
3. The countdown begins......
4. MUST have a productive week
5. Didn't like the cantaloupe in my smoothie
6. Interesting revelation this weekend......don't know when I will be ready to share, or if I will ever share
7. I really don't like stupid people
8. As much as I want people to understand........they don't
9. When your bonus is larger than my salary?????? 
10. I often find myself asking why me?
11. Did you ever care?
12. I don't have on green, if you pinch me I will punch you in your face and then smile :-D
13. Scraping your knuckle is no fun :-/
14. My weight loss goals are for health more than looks. But.....if I can stop shopping at Lane Bryant I won't be mad
15. Birthday tattoo on my wrist or foot?
16. I can't feel my arms from Sarurday!!!! Are you serious????
17. I challenge you to a game of horseshoes! HORSESHOES!!!!!!!

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