Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Can I make it through this social media detox???

1. Tomorrow begins no Facebook, twitter, or media detox until my birthday
2. Leaving umbrella at home when it is a monsoon outside.....not good
3. Lutha!!!!!
4. Forgot how much you make me laugh?
5. Birthday month begins!!!!
6. Orange is the New Black.....yes I am addicted
7. Wish I could share this quote......
8. You have no idea how it feels
9. Still thinking about Fruitvale Station
10. I should know something next week hopefully
11. Maybe I should just have kids and forget about marriage......
12. I miss Memphis sometimes (don't tell my mother)
13. Am I really going to make it trough this social media detox??
14. I no longer believe in the American Dream ~ my mother
15. During social media detox if you need me you can call or text. FB message might keep on phone not sure yet
16. Finding new interesting blogs to read via feedly
17. I shouldn't force my belief system on you and I hope you wouldn't force yours on me. I can respect and love you without thinking just like you
18. Why do I think so logically at times???? I mean if you have sex without protection or birth control why are you shocked that you got pregnant.......let me stop!!
19. I love my mother!
20. Losing a father and a sister hurts.....but it has shaped so many of my views
21. Winning the lottery would be a nice birthday present
22. I miss Starling, weird not being in same city makes me want to hang out more. Why did you have to go off to the big city punk!!!!! (All I love)
23. Crystal light drink mixes are wonderful 
24. I am excited about my birthday, but really have no clue of what I am going to do.
25. I rock rough and stuff with my afro puffs! (Well I just have one today)
26. I have no desire to go back down that road
27. No way you are better than me
28. Maybe God has a bigger plan
29. I do cry from time to time.....just not in front of people
30. Too loud too early!
31. Deuces!!!!


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