Friday, January 17, 2014

Wishes I could sleep in late :-/

1. TON14 ~kid fury (I prefer PON14 myself)
2. Should have never written that blog post......too many feelings I have to deal with now
3. I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom......
4. Some people take Facebook too seriously......chill out
5. I use to name all of my stuffed animals after people I had crushes on, well since I only have one stuffed animal left I just change her name when the crush changes
6. Why do women take the word submissive as a bad word? Can you be a feminist and submissive at the same time???? Speak on it! #flawless
7. Finally heard the curve line in "Drunk in Love" was sooooooo not ready
8. Email convo with a random person who follows my first blog....he misses my posts, that was good to hear, actually wrote two posts this week!
9. Today is inappropriate Friday at work......I wonder what jokes will be shared today :-/
10. My use of profanity has increased recently.....don't know if that is good or bad
11. Why does it have to be a game? My lack of experience when it comes to relationships and some of the games that I hear are played from both sides truly scares me at times. If you like someone just be honest and make it happen. It should be be that simple
12. The moment you realize you forgot lotion....thank God for the travel size Japanese Cherry Blossom
13. My next tattoo....wrist, neck, or foot? Or all three??? I really want to expand on the neck #dontjudgeme
14. often I have to remind myself that God still loves me in spite of me
15. I love my momma and our convos are hilarious.....random memory of her thoughts on weed this morning "yeah they should legalize it don't know if I will ever need it for my glaucoma" she is a trip!!!!
16. Idris, Columbus, Colin, and Matthew......
17. If you had to describe yourself using one word what would it be? For me the word would be.......

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