Friday, February 21, 2014

Beat got sicker

1. Waking up at 6:15 when you have to leave the house at 6:30 is never fun
2. This whole waiting thing......rethinking :-/ having a moment
3. Made homemade Mexican pizza last night with multigrain tortillas, da bomb!!!!
4. The cough is getting better.....but still there
5. Read an article on a vibrator alarm clock :-| no comment
6. Think I am going to get a tattoo in my ear......the pic of it is awesome!!!
7. You don't have to talk to true friends everyday, but when you do talk it is always amazing, at least for me it is
8. Phone interview next week.....don't know if I want the positio, doing it more out of curiosity
9. Going to give House of Cards ago this weekend, is it better than Orange is the new Black?
10. What if you found out that I was......
11. If you could only give your child one piece of advice what would it be?
12. Will I go see Megan Good and Devan Franklin speak this weekend?
13. I often question if I will be single my whole life.....the hoops I see people go through to get and keep somebody, I just don't understand. Wish it were simpler
14. Hair is struggling again :-(
15. Why am I so sleepy right now? Maybe I got too much sleep
16. Everybody is not meant to be a leader 
17. Will travel to NYC this year......
18. There really hasn't been any great music to come out since The Yonce surprised us, good music, but not great
19. Yeah, the crush is real......
20. Why would you ask Pharell if he was a vampire? That's a stupid question!!
21. My last random thought for the day......yeah you'll have to inbox me, not for public consumption #dontjudgeme

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