Friday, November 22, 2013

Can we have a do over?

1. It has been a rough week
2. This was going to be a really mean thought......came so close to posting
3. My burden to bare.....
4. She is one of the few people I have ever felt 100% sure, just from facebook posts, of her diagnose(S) and that she was crazy as FUCK! ~friend 
5. One of my best friends' wife (guess he is having it too) is having a girl! Excited!
6. So......Captain Ds has crab cakes.....I'll pass!
7. Don't get drunk because you don't make wise decisions when you drunk ~one of my kids
8. The salted caramel chocolate chip cookie bars were fye......yes I said fye!
9. No shit Sherlock 
10. Erro's lyrics!!!!
11. A man’s respect for law and order exists in precise relationship to the size of his paycheck. ~Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
12. Watching Scandal (again)......I don't want to be a side piece or main piece, I want to be the ONLY piece. I'm sorry I'm not giving it up after I KNOW you killed my momma just cause you bought me a house
13. How long will I do these random thoughts? Can I make it a year?
14. Do you realize next week is Thanksgiving???
15. Talked to one of my dear friends yesterday......even into the first few minutes of Scandal.....that's love!!!!
16. Why do we want what we can't have?
17. I love you
18. Thinking about giving up meat again
19. Waiting is hard
20. Cried a lot this week
21. I really want to have my own kids one day......first step go on a date 
22. Stop trying to make me something I am not! I am a random, caring, mean, over thinking, funny person. I say this quite often......get to know me, most people don't 

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