Friday, October 30, 2015


1. The bad thing about mimosas is that they have too much orange juice in them.
2. Did you see that picture of The Game????
3. Texting while drinking is dangerous 
4. Don't lie!
5. Really needs a hug
6. It's 2:30 am and I am writing my random thoughts now because I can't sleep.....I will finish them later
7. Realizes why I am drinking more.....right or wrong it is what it is
8. Being a responsible adult is not always fun....example pay day when you pay all your bills.
9. Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth?
10. #blackgirlsmatter
11. Too much to do and not enough time!
12. Do Jaden & Willow Smith ever go to school? Did Kylie Jenner ever go to school?
13. Can you count backwards from 100?
14. Must conquer fear
15. Asking myself is it worth the risk?
16. Today is so a Starbucks day
17. Flip burger this weekend
18. New Lalah Hathaway.....will be in my happy place today! How does she sing in chords?
19. Will I ever get married?
20. What really are chicken fries?
21. Zola and Jess......what else will we find out?
22. When your friend asks you are they texting drunk or sober Ursula....
23. Do I have to go home for Thanskgiving?
24. Sometimes I miss playing the flute, band geek.....those were fun times!
25. Love Patrick Ian Polk's movies, great indie movies, great stories 
26. Did not consume talenti last night, but cheap pizza and wine did help
27. Explaining to you your inherit privilege becomes frustrating......why can't you see it?
28. What are you going to be for Halloween?
29. So blessed!!
30. For some strange reason my mother likes to shop at CitiTrends #dontjudgeher

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