Tuesday, October 27, 2015


1. Starting your 2nd 52 ounce bubba before lunch......the restroom is my friend
2. "How is that racist?" -white proverb
3. Why do stupid people scream the loudest? Just because you are loud and talk over everyone does not make you right
4. Lunch today....kit kat, m &m's, reeses, and twix #dontjudgme
5. Admitting it......50/50
6. I miss our text convos
7. Think I figured out my Halloween costume!!!! (It's not Gucci mane)
8. That video.....a damn shame!!
9. Love her!
10. I like the fb comments on my random thoughts
11. My hair......mad I had to miss my appointment
12. Think people need to think and not just regurgitate
13. That article on worship really blessed me this morning.....justice, sacrifice, transformative
14. My random thoughts are truly random and only a piece of what goes through my head......if you only knew!!! (Hence the title of my first blog)
15. I really miss you...
16. As soon as this last pack of bacon is consumed out of my freezer really going back to being a pescatarian.
17. The God I serve is a God of love..... 
18. Should I do a random thoughts video one day?
19. Is it worth the risk?
20. Yeah.....brunch every Sunday after church. Necessity 
21. Still pissed at Frank Ocean!!! I need new music!!!
22. To move or not to move....that is the question
23. The new car smell is gone :-(
24. All I want for Christmas is You!!! (Michael Bublé's version is a fav)
25. Suit or hoodie.......doesn't even matter in some people's eyes
26. Everyone has a vice? What's is yours? Just because it is not illegal still doesn't make it right
27. Why does red wine, cheese, and bread have to be so freakin good????

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