Wednesday, January 20, 2016


1. Snow day!!!!
2. What shall I watch on Netflix today???
3. Seafood and veggie omelet and a mimosa....I'm good
4. I love that we are bonding
5. 45 minute cardio workout this morning! Score!
6. NUMB3RS is a great show!
7. I love my mother even when she irks my nerves, she is momma she is awesome!
8. Be safe! Be warm!
9. Learning from mistakes is not always easy
10. Why are he "hit the Quan" lyrics in my head this morning?
11. You are freakin amazing!!! Yeah, I'm talking to you!
12. Why do people think they can drive on ice?
13. You are the wind beneath my wings!
14. How often do you talk to your friends outside of social media?
15. Relationship status: waiting on a miracle
16. Texting while drinking is still hazardous to my health
17. I don't ask for much, honestly I don't
18. Brandon Davis's coming out video, loved!
19. The snow is now coming down.....
20. I use to be able to do a split....maybe I will try again one day

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